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Hey, you wanna come in?

How to become a S8D member?

As a trainee, you initially only have access to a small portion of the community. You will be assisted by some of our trusted members with voting and streaming. However, this not only to prepare you and gain access to our entire home, but also to keep our valued members safe.

If you stay active and don't act problematically (e.g. engaging in fanwars in and outside the server, using foul language, etc.) you will become a full Stay8District member after about 5-6 weeks.

How active do I have to be?

We operate under a no pressure system. Having fun while “working” is our top priority. If you prefer streaming over voting then it's totally fine if you just do that. Everyone contributes their part to the bigger picture.

"You can do what you want, when you want. Go at your own pace"

Still have questions? Let's Chat!

Thanks for submitting!

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